EATG Press Release: The 2016 Annual General Assembly


Brussels, 27 September 2016

Closing an incredibly successful year with massive steps towards implementing the long-term strategy and mission, and the addition of 4 new major projects, The European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) met in Sofia, Bulgaria for its annual general assembly, and the election of two new members of the Board of Directors on 23-25 September 2016.

The European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG –, one of the largest networks of treatment activists, people living with, affected by and at risk from HIV, and their supporters in Europe held its annual General Assembly and elections between 23 and 25 September 2016. More than 80 EATG members from the HIV/AIDS field gathered in Sofia, Bulgaria in order to discuss the achievements and challenges of the year 2015, the long-term vision of the EATG, and to elect two new members for the Board of Directors.

The five-member Board of Directors provides an unparalleled combination of long-term experience and skills in the field of HIV/AIDS and patient advocacy:

Jackie Morton, United Kingdom – Chair of the Board of Directors
Sanja Belak Kovacevic, Croatia – Secretary of the Board of Directors
Brian West, Scotland– Treasurer
Luís Mendão, Portugal – Director
Nikos Dedes, Greece – Director

The EATG also elected two new ombudspersons that are responsible for mediation and clarification of any grievances between members and/or the organisation: Paul Clift (UK) and Bodgan Hadarag (Romania) fill this prestigious position for the next two years. The new internal auditor of the EATG is Jens Willemsborg (Denmark) who has been consistently serving the organisation in various leadership positions for 20 years. The financial reports for 2015 and the plans and budgets for 2016 with an outlook to 2017 were accepted with convincing majority of the quorum present.

“The EATG has delivered many exemplary achievements in Europe in the field of HIV amidst challenging and changing times in the NGO sector. As it moves into its 25th year, our growth must now
be balanced with internal consolidation of structures and processes, and even more focus on populations that are consistently left behind”, says Jackie Morton, incoming Chair of the EATG. “In line with our long term strategy we will seek to keep a range of issues high on the agenda of our advocacy work.”

The EATG will remain a leading force in making sure that most at risk populations such as men having sex with men, people who use drugs, women, trans* people, sex workers, prisoners and migrants can access good and reliable prevention tools and the best care and treatment available.

Scientific research and medicine development have gained new momentum in HIV/AIDS with new promising results in the fields of Cure, long-acting agents, and especially viral hepatitis.

“We have achieved huge progress in policy work around HIV/AIDS and co-morbidities. However, people are still dying of AIDS in the region of WHO Europe, and this should not happen. We will also upscale our scientific skills and capabilities to be even better advocates,” promises Luís Mendão, outgoing Chair and current Director of the EATG.

Combatting stigma and discrimination of people living with HIV has been and remains one of the most important work areas of the EATG, also confirmed by its long-term strategy. Discrimination is a major obstacle to accessing testing, treatment and prevention.