GDRP - Update to Forum's Data Protection Policies

In response to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we would like to take this opportunity to update you on how we handle your personal data.

The Forum for Collaborative Research (The Forum) collects the following information for purposes of disseminating news about the Forum and its partners:

Name, Title
Phone number

This information is not shared (rented nor sold) with third parties. Individuals may request to unsubscribe at any time. 
In addition, The Forum keeps project specific information for individuals who participate in specific projects, such as project members, project steering committee members or working group members. This information is kept solely for project management purposes. The names, titles and organizations of participants (but no email, phone or physical address) are published during Forum meetings and on the Forum websites in accordance with our principles of transparency. 

The Forum’s processing of your Personal Data is based on the legal grounds as follows:

The legal basis for processing Personal Data is that the processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests of The Forum which is for The Forum to disseminate information in accordance with its stated mission of collaboration, transparency and diffusion of The Forum project outcomes and to promote collaboration by disseminating information of interest on behalf of The Forum partners. These legitimate interests also constitute the legal basis for processing in situations where you provide us with your contact information by handing us a business card or otherwise express an interest in our or services. The legitimate interests of The Forum in such cases is for The Forum to fulfill its mission in bringing interested stakeholders together to address specific public health needs.

For further information, please contact:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it