Remembering Larry Kramer

Larry Kramer, HIV and AIDS Activist, passed away from pneumonia Wednesday morning. Larry Kramer was a pioneer in the fight against AIDS, he sought out the attention of government and medical officials to take action to address the epidemic. Kramer co-founded the Gay Men’s Health Crisis, which was the first organization to provide support and advocacy for AIDS patients. Kramer also founded the activism group Act Up, whose tireless efforts led to the acceleration of research and drug testing.

Kramer was also a playwright, author, film producer, public health advocate and LGBTQ rights activist. Larry Kramer will be remembered for his drive, passion, and determination to speak up and speak out against the injustice that the HIV & AIDS population faced. His contributions paved the way for the progress and many improvements that have occurred in the treatment and care of HIV & AIDS since the 1980s.