Protein Binding in Antiretroviral Therapies


Materials and Links

"Protein Binding in Antiretroviral Therapies" - published in AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, Vol. 19, Number 9, 2003, pp. 825-835. Please contact the Forum for copies.


The the 3rd International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology held in Washington, DC, April 2002 generated active discussion surrounding the issues of protein binding, its significance for antiviral activity and the appropriate methods of measuring and accounting for protein binding. The Forum sponsored a Roundtable discussion to address this topic, held on June 20th, 2002 in Washington, DC.


The purpose of this Roundtable was to review the basic principles of protein binding of antiretroviral drugs and to discuss the impact that changes in protein binding may have on the pharmacokinetics of these drugs. Issues addressed included interpatient variability in protein binding, potential effect of HIV or concommitant disease on protein binding, protein binding and drug interactions, measurement of unbound vs. total concentrations and methodology for measuring unbound concentration. The Roundtable also addressed future direction of critical research and steps needed to develop recommendations and guidelines for therapeutic drug monitoring.


A report of the Roundtable is being prepared for peer-reviewed publication.

Scientific chairs:
David Back, PhD
Terrence Blaschke, MD
Malcolm Rowland, PhD