HCV Drug ResisMFT 2012 v.2

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Clinically Relevant HCV Drug Resistance Mutations Figure and Tables
A Project of the Forum’s HCV DrAG Phenotypic Analysis Working Group

A methodical approach at cataloging clinically relevant HCV treatment-associated mutations will provide data that will inform a broad community of researchers and clinicians involved in the rapidly moving field of HCV drug development.

The HCV Drug Development Advisory Group’s, Phenotype Analysis Working Group has published the first ever compilation of HCV drug resistance mutations in Figure and Table form (HCV DRC_v.1_July_2012 - in revision).  This publication is available at the Annals of the Forum for Collaborative HIV Research (click here to access the publication ).

The Figure provides a visual representation of mutations detected in patients at virologic failure, while the Tables - in abbreviated form (Table-I) and in more detail (Appendix-I) - provide resistance information on all mutations observed with a particular compound.

The multi-stakeholder expert group will update the information in the table and Figure as new data and trends emerge from HCV drug discovery programs and clinical assessments.