Materials and LinksSections: Meeting Materials: • Summit Program • Breakout Sessions • Poster Presentations • Final Program and Abstract Book • Summit Video • Journal Club-USPSTF HCV Birth Cohort Screening Recommendations • Summit Evaluation •Survey on US HCV Workforce Needs Additional Info: • Donation Opportunities • Past Summits • This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it |
The 2012 National Summit on HIV and Viral Hepatitis Diagnosis, Prevention, and Access to Care (November 26-28, 2012, Washington, DC) is sponsored by the Forum for Collaborative HIV Research in partnership with the American Academy of HIV Medicine, amfAR, the American Academy of Nursing, the Hepatitis B Project, the Hepatitis Education Project, the HIV Medicine Association, Kaiser Permanente, the National Association of Community Health Centers, the NIH-NIAID Division of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, the National Black Gay Men's Advocacy Coalition, the National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable, and the Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy (HHS).
The mission of the 2012 Summit is to support improvement in HIV and viral hepatitis testing, prevention, and linkage to care in the United States. The nation’s public health scientific and advocacy leadership will meet to discuss state-of-the-art mechanisms to support the “National HIV/AIDS Strategy” and the HHS “Action Plan for the Prevention, Care and Treatment of Viral Hepatitis.”
The program is being developed under the leadership of the co-chairs Dr. John G. Bartlett (Johns Hopkins University), Dr. Kenneth H. Mayer (The Fenway Institute), and Dr. Veronica Miller (the Forum for Collaborative HIV Research), the Organizing Committee and the Scientific Advisory Committee representing governmental agencies, professional societies, academia, clinical care, community and advocacy organizations, and industry. The program will consist of plenary sessions and breakout sessions in the areas of Routine and Expanded Testing, Prevention Models, Outcomes and Impact Evaluation, and Access, Linkage and Retention in Care.
Goals and Objectives of the 2012 Summit are:
- To address and support the continued implementation of recommendations for increased HIV and viral hepatitis testing.
- To further identify strategies for reducing new HIV and viral hepatitis infections, increase access to care and treatment, reduce related health disparities and reduce the public health burden of HIV and viral hepatitis.
- To strengthen viral hepatitis surveillance, increase awareness and coverage of vaccine-preventable viral hepatitis.
- To assess the current impact of differing recommendations to implement routine HIV and viral hepatitis testing on policy, program and practice at the local, state and federal level.
The 2012 Summit was held November 26-28, 2012 in Washington, DC.
The Mayflower Renaissance Washington, DC Hotel
1127 Connecticut Avenue Northwest
Washington, DC 20036
Collaborating Partners
American Academy of HIV Medicine
amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research
American Academy of Nursing
The Hepatitis B Project
The Hepatitis Education Project
The HIV Medicine Association
Kaiser Permanente
National Association of Community Health Centers
National Black Gay Men's Advocacy Coalition
NIH Division of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
The National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable
The Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy (HHS)
Planning Committee Members:
John G. Bartlett | Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
Kenneth Mayer |
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; Harvard Medical School; The Fenway Institute |
Veronica Miller | Forum for Collaborative HIV Research |
Organizing Committee
Cornelius Baker | National Black Gay Men's Advocacy Coalition; FHI 360 |
Bernard Branson | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
Kevin Fenton | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
Marc Ghany | National Institutes of Health |
Benjamin Hauschild | Forum for Collaborative HIV Research |
Nina Mani | Forum for Collaborative HIV Research |
Henry Masur | National Institutes of Health Clinical Center |
Lorren Sandt | Caring Ambassadors Program, Inc. |
John Ward | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
Sanjeev Arora | University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center |
Joan Block | Hepatitis B Foundation |
Joe Burrage | Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) |
Victoria Cargill | National Institutes of Health |
Vignetta Charles | AIDS United |
Laura Cheever | Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) |
Daniel Church | Massachusetts Department of Public Health |
Ton Coenen | Aids Fonds & Soa Aids Nederland |
Myron Cohen | The University of North Carolina School of Medicine |
Chris Collins | Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) |
Maggie Czarnogorski | Department of Veterans Affairs |
Corinna Dan | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Wayne Duffus | University of South Carolina School of Medicine; South Carolina Dept. of Health and Environmental Control |
Patricia Emmanuel | University of South Florida School of Medicine |
David Evans | Project Inform |
Judith Feinberg | University of Cincinnati College of Medicine |
Donna Futterman | Montefiore Medical Center |
Jane Getchell | Association of Public Health Laboratories |
Seiji Hayashi | Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) |
Michael Horberg | Kaiser Permanente |
Brian Hujdich | HealthHIV |
Donald M. Jensen | University of Chicago Medical Center |
W. Ray Kim | Mayo Clinic |
Irene Kuo | George Washington University |
Marsha Martin | Get Screened Oakland |
Jenny McFarlane | Texas Department of State Health Services |
Kathy McNamara | National Association of Community Health Centers |
Daliah Mehdi | AIDS Foundation of Chicago |
Israel Nieves-Rivera | San Francisco Department of Public Health |
Michael Ninburg | Hepatitis Education Project |
Daniel Raymond | Harm Reduction Coalition |
James Rooney | Gilead Sciences, Inc. |
Richard Rothman | Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
Michael Saag | University of Alabama, Birmingham School of Medicine; UAB Center for AIDS Research |
Daniel Seekins | Bristol-Myers Squibb |
Kenneth Sherman | University of Cincinnati College of Medicine |
Monica Sweeney | New York Department of Health |
Donna Sweet | University of Kansas School of Medicine/ACP/CHAC |
Chris Taylor | NASTAD |
Chong-Gee Teo | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
David Thomas | Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
Lisa Townshend-Bulson | Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium |
Ron Valdiserri | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Rochelle Walensky | Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital |
Andrea Weddle | HIV Medicine Association |
Ben Young | International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care |
Barry Zack | The Bridging Group |
Sheryl Zwerski | National Institutes of Health |
For questions about the Summit, please email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it