2011 Interns and Fellows

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Graduate Fellow

headshot Erik Lontok
Erik Lontok, PhD, Senior Research Associate, Forum for Collaborative HIV Research,  Graduate Fellow 2011

"I was able to meet and interact with the policy leaders and decision makers involved in state and federal agencies. This really offered a different view of science policy process. By participating in the Forum's innovative approach to addressing emerging issues, I learned how to practically turn collaborations into measurable outputs."

Lontok E, Mani N, Harrington PR, Miller V. Closing in on the Target: Sustained Virologic Response in Hepatitis C Virus Genotype-1 Infection Response-Guided Therapy. Clin Infect Dis. 2013 Jan 29.

Graduate Intern

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Kate BurmasterMS, UCSF MD '15, Graduate Intern 2011

"I gained a great deal of knowledge and developed a professional skill set which will be very helpful as I move towards a career as a physician. The connections I made with many role models and mentors in the field have been great resources as I navigate different career choices."