2012 Interns and Fellows

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Graduate Intern

nivedha hivforum
Nivedha Panneer, UC Berkeley MPH '13,  Graduate Intern 2012

"Working on the HIV/HCV Diagnostics and Testing Roundtable was an invaluable experience.  In addition to my involvement with the meeting itself, I created a comprehensive document comparing all the HIV/HCV diagnostic platforms. I also spearheaded the launch of a new information service for viral hepatitis cohorts and databases. Since returning to school, I have continued to work on these projects, allowing me to develop my work experience while pursuing my MPH." After obtaining my MPH, I began a fellowship at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and have recently been promoted into an Epidemiologist position on the Transition and Molecular Epidemiology team.

Panneer N, Lontok E, Branson BM, Teo CG, Dan C, Parker M, Stekler JD, DeMaria A Jr, Miller V., HIV and HCV Infection in the United States: Whom and How to Test. Clin Infect Dis. 2014 May 27. pii: ciu396

Undergraduate Intern

headshot Andrea Quinones-Rivera
Andrea Quinones-Rivera, Undergraduate Intern 2012

"Speaking with and learning from leading stakeholders was one of the most exciting parts of my internship and it gave me the confidence to navigate the sometimes overwhelming amount of information that Washington has to offer. Working closely with Forum staff, I greatly benefited from each staff member's experience and expertise." 

Quinones-Rivera, A.  The Untold Story of How High-Quality and Low-Cost Drugs Were Incorporated Into PEPFAR. Annals Of The Forum For Collaborative HIV Research, 15(1).