WHO PrEP Implementation Tool App for Health Workers

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On behalf of the World Health Organization

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On-the-go access to the following modules from the WHO PrEP Implementation Tool 

  •  Clinical: for clinicians, including physicians, nurses and clinical officers
  • Counsellors: for staff who counsel people as they consider or start taking PrEP, and support them in coping with side effects and adherence strategies
  • Pharmacists: for pharmacists and people working in pharmacies; to provide information on the medicines used in PrEP as well as storage conditions
  • Testing providers: for people who provide testing services at PrEP sites and laboratories
  • PrEP users: for people taking PrEP and people interested in taking PrEP to reduce their risk of acquiring HIV; to support them in their choice and use of PrEP.

For more information, click here:https://mailchi.mp/jhpiego/hiv-oral-prep-app  

Please also visit these two websites !

-         https://hivoralprep.org/
-         http://www.who.int/hiv/mediacentre/news/oral-prep-app/en/

This announcement is for a third-party program that The Forum for Collaborative Research does not control or provide support for. Please contact the organizers directly with any questions.