TONIGHT: DC D-CFAR City-wide Seminar Featuring Dr. Rochelle Walensky

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DC D-CFAR City-wide Seminar Featuring Dr. Rochelle Walensky

Thursday, May 24, 2012
6:30 - 8:00 PM EDT

GWU Marvin Center Grand Ballroom
800 21st Street, NW, DC 20037

Tonight, the DC D-CFAR is holding a city-wide seminar featuring Dr. Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH.  Dr. Walensky will provide an overview of HIV/AIDS policy and the economics of cost-effectiveness of HIV care.  Her talk will be relevant to epidemiologists, clinicians and basic scientists who are part of the CFAR.

Dr Walensky is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and a practicing Infectious Disease physician at Brigham and Women's and Massachusetts General Hospitals. She is the 2008 winner of the Emerging Leader in HIV Research sponsored by the HIV Medical Association and the Infectious Disease Society of America. Dr. Walensky will introduce the concepts of cost-effectiveness in HIV care and the value of mathematical simulation models in informing HIV policy. She will provide some concrete examples of how these cost-effective analyses have motivated policy change in the US and South Africa.

Please join the DC D-CFAR for a reception with light refreshments at 6:30 PM, followed by Dr Walensky's presentation at 7:00 PM. There is no cost to attend, so please feel free to pass this event along to your colleagues. Thank you for your continued support of the DC D-CFAR!