PLWH More at Risk in Meningitis Outbreak, Dr. Aberg Stresses Awareness

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OCT-17-12  The four most recent meningitis cases in New York City have been HIV-infected males.  PLWH are at an increased risk to both acquire the disease, and to die from it if infected.  Because more than half of people in New York City newly diagnosed with HIV are men, Dr. Judith Aberg advises men to use safe practices and be aware of potentials for exposure.  Read More >>

From "N.Y. State's Health Department advises meningitis vaccine" -- Washington Square News ( )

“The most recent four cases have all been among HIV-infected men,” the City Department of Health stated in a report. “People living with HIV are at a greater risk than the general population of acquiring invasive meningococcal disease and, if infected, dying from infection.”

Judith A. Aberg, a professor at the NYU School of Medicine’s Division of Infectious Diseases and Immunology, said more than 50 percent of those newly diagnosed with HIV in New York City is among men, particularly youth.

She also said men need to be aware of potential exposures if they want to remain safe.

“HIV infected men should be using condoms, including during oral sex,” Aberg said. “If they suspect they may have had an exposure, or if they have symptoms such as a fever, headache, stiff neck or rash, they should see their doctor immediately, as we do have antibiotics to prevent disease.”

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