Forum-Medscape CME: Improving HIV Prevention: Communicating With Patients

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This activity is intended for infectious disease specialists, HIV specialists, primary care physicians, internal medicine physicians, pediatricians, emergency medicine providers, nurses and OB/GYN clinicians who are routinely engaging at-risk patients and all other clinicians who frequently care for patients with HIV.

The goal of this activity is to use multimodal learning strategies to increase skills in clinician-patient communication in the primary care setting where conversations on HIV prevention occur. 

Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to: 

  1. Implement effective sexual history-taking strategies for all patients regardless of their risk for HIV infection
  2. Construct and routinely implement effective patient communication points that motivate and increase adherence to HIV prevention strategies

Note: In order to participate in the surveys, educational activities, and complete the final assessments, register at if you are not yet a member. Registration is free.